Technical platforms

UMR-S 1329 has 4 shared technical platforms.
Find out more about these platforms, how they work and who's involved.

Platform managers

  • Véronique Devignot, technical engineer, Inserm
    Manager of the histology platform
  • Stéphane Dieterlé, assistant engineer, Unistra
    Manager of the molecular biology platform
  • Aurélie Bombardier, technician, Inserm
    Manager of the cell culture platform
  • Geoffrey Stuart-Lopez, technical engineer, Inserm
    Manager of the surgery platform

Histology platform

UMR-S 1329's histology technical platform is used to process tissues for the unit's histological analyses. The platform is equipped to cut paraffin blocks, fixed and/or frozen tissues, and perform immunostaining and histological staining on a non-automated basis.

The platform is equipped with a range of equipment shared by the unit's various teams. This equipment is made available to users on request, and training in its use is provided.

UMR1329's histology platform is responsible for a wide range of tasks: equipment maintenance, theoretical training for users in traditional histology approaches (cryostat, paraffin, etc.) and innovative approaches (RNAscope hybridization and soon transparentization), practical training for users in the use of the platform's equipment and in staining, technical advice, new technology monitoring, observation, imaging and counting.


Molecular biology platform

The molecular biology technical platform acts as an interface between the teams, centralizing equipment dedicated to molecular biology. Several separate areas are available for DNA and RNA analysis. A PCR & genotyping area featuring a thermal cycler, an agarose gel migration system and a capillary electrophoresis system, allow to save time and improve the reproducibility of results. An area dedicated to RNA extraction and gene analysis by qPCR is also available here.

UMR1329's molecular biology platform is responsible for: responding to any needs, designing primers, optimizing protocols and providing technical support in this area.


Cell culture platform

The cell culture laboratory (biosafety level 2) is composed of three rooms equipped with a total of five class 2 microbiological safety cabinets. One room is dedicated to the culture and manipulation of immortalized cell lines, while the other two are dedicated to the culture and differentiation of iPSCs (induced pluripotent stem cells).

The missions of the UMR1329 cell culture laboratory are: to ensure that the laboratory runs smoothly, train new users and provide technical support for the various projects using cell models.

Surgery platform

This surgery technical platform brings together all the unit's expertise and dedicated equipment. It enables us to respond to certain research themes, mainly through the modulation and recording of neuronal networks. It comprises two stereotaxic frames as well as all the tools available to the unit's members. It is therefore possible to perform stereotactic surgery to :

  1. Optogenetic (by laying an optical fiber) or chemogenetics.
  2. Recording cerebral activity in a punctual or longitudinal manner.
  3. Testing and measuring the effects of various interventions using behavioral tests configured to address the unit's various research themes (motor skills, social behaviors, anxiety, addictions, etc.).

The missions of UMR1329's surgical platform are: to train the various users to enable them to be autonomous, to optimize and carry out certain protocols, to ensure that the equipment works properly through regular maintenance and to ensure good management of common stocks.