Promoting Sciences

Every year, our laboratory strives to promote sciences among young people.

This year, Victor MATHIS, a new researcher in the Addictions team, was keen to take part in the meetings between researchers and middle or high school students organized by the University of Strasbourg's Jardin des Sciences. The aim of these encounters is to present the work of our researchers and engage students in a dialogue about the world of research.

For 3 years now, two of our PhD students, Dersu OZDEMIR and Esther COLANTONIO, have been taking part in the L'Oréal Foundation's “For Girls and Science” program. This program promotes science and research among middle and high school girls, with the aim of fighting against prejudices about scientific careers and the place of women in research. Dersu and Esther are supported in this project by Brigitte KIEFFER, Emeritus Professor in the Addictions team, who was the winner of the 2014 l'Oréal-UNESCO International Prize. This prize recognizes researchers with exceptional careers, rewarding and promoting their outstanding scientific work at international level.