Establishment of an ALS patient cohort

The FG-COALS project - Franco-German cohort study on factors associated with weight loss in ALS - led by Luc Dupuis (CRBS - INSERM Unit 1118) and Philippe Couratier (CHU Limoges) has been awarded €1.3M in funding from the Programme investissements d'avenir (PIA 3).


The FG-COALS project - French-German cohort study on factors associated with weight loss in ALS* - led by Luc Dupuis (CRBS - INSERM Unit 1118) and Philippe Couratier (CHU Limoges) has been awarded €1.3M in funding from the Programme Investissements d'avenir (PIA 3).

This project will enable the establishment of a French-German cohort of 2,000 ALS patients.

The aim is to provide a better understanding of the natural history of the disease, the genetic basis of its symptoms and to understand the factors associated with massive weight loss during the course of the disease.

The unit contributes mainly to the genetic aspects of this project and to the study of weight loss factors.

* French-German cohort study to determine the factors associated with weight loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: pathophysiological significance and resulting therapeutic targets

More about FG-COALS project


Credits: Simon J. Guillot