Doctoral grants and 4th-year thesis funding

Dersu OZDEMIR, a PhD student in her 4th year, and Solène POIVEY, a future PhD student, have both obtained funding to continue their work in the Addictions team.

Dersu is interested in the role of habenular mu-opioid receptor expressing neurons in negative affect in a naïve and opioid-dependent state. She recently received a grant from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) to finance the fourth year of her thesis and continue her work on the habenula.

As for Solène, she responded to a call for applications from the Institut pour la Recherche en Santé Publique (IReSP) and the Institut National du Cancer (INCa) for a doctoral grant, which she was awarded. We are therefore delighted to announce that she will be joining us in October to begin her thesis on the role of opiate-sensitive neurons in the control of hedonic mechanisms and food intake.