Clinical Research

Clinical Research

The clinical research team, headed by Laurence Lalanne, focuses on the problem of addictive disorders in relation to neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. The projects developed aim to explore two lines of research:

  • firstly, to better understand the cognitive pathophysiological mechanisms of addictive disorders, and in particular impulsivity. Impulsivity is indeed a marker of addiction, as it not only potentiates the onset of addictive behaviors, but also favors the maintenance of addiction. Impulsivity is a composite phenomenon, and it seems necessary to examine its various aspects in order to find appropriate therapeutic strategies.
  • secondly, to understand how environmental and social factors potentiate the emergence of addictive disorders, using an epigenetic approach. This involves examining how social and psychiatric factors impact gene transcription and expression. Examining these determinants will provide a better understanding of users' consumption profiles as a function of these factors.
Laurence Lalanne, MD/PhD


I have been a researcher at INSERM Unit 1329 (formerly 1114) since 2005. I am Professor of Addictology and Head of the Addictology Department at Strasbourg University Hospital. I was trained in human cognition research in Dr Anne Giersch lab and in pre-clinical research in the laboratory of Pr Brigitte Kieffer (IGBMC, 2013-2014). I work with Prof. Brigitte Kieffer and Dr. Emmanuel Darcq on the translational aspects of addictive disorders. I am the head of the Addictions team since 2024, focusing on addictive disorders in relation to neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. I also coordinate the BEBOP project, the aim of which is to study the links between the severity of psycho-social factors and the severity of opiate addiction in 300 opiate users. The project is also examining links with possible epigenetic biomarkers of disorder severity. On this project, I am collaborating with Pierre-Eric Lutz, a researcher at INCI and a specialist in epigenetics, on the links between addictions and socio-psychiatric factors. Both of us will be co-supervising Alba Caparros-Roissard's PhD project from 2022. From 2015 to 2021, as principal investigator at the Strasbourg site, I took part in the evaluation of the COSINUS study's drug consumption rooms (health component), and publications from this work are still in progress. A report on this evaluation is available on the INSERM website.



Christelle Nithart-Porche, PhD

I am a neuropsychologist in the Addictology Department at Strasbourg University Hospitals. I obtained her PhD in 2008 on the theme of the Study of phonological deficits at the origin of reading learning disorders in dyslexia and dysphasia: developmental, neuropsychological and anatomo-functional approaches. I subsequently trained in CBT and has been working in the field of addictions since 2010. I am studying the management of emotional dysregulation with Louis Marie D'Ussel and Amaury Durpoix. The aim is to see the effect of this 3rd wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach on our patients' emotional regulation skills, and indirectly on their drug use and risk of relapse. I am also working on compassionate addiction therapy. CBT is an approach that aims to work with patients who are highly self-critical and self-deprecating. The assumption is that this attitude adds an extra layer of suffering, thereby limiting the patient's ability to move forward and fully engage in change attitudes. Addicts are often highly self-critical and judgmental. The aim is therefore to see whether this therapy is applicable, acceptable and beneficial for our patients.  Finally, I am interested in the question of the dual diagnosis of addiction and psychotrauma, as the prevalence of psychic trauma is very high in the addict population, and the management of this dual pathology remains a challenge for clinicians.



Estelle Koning, INSERM IA

I am in charge of the clinical research support platform. I work on both the Psychiatry and Addictions teams and provide day-to-day assistance with protocol management and implementation.


Louis-Marie d'Ussel, MD

I am a hospital practitioner at Strasbourg University Hospitals. I specialize in behavioral addictions. Since summer 2023, I have been taking part in the NABAb study, coordinated by Pr Grall-Bronnec (Nantes). This prospective, multi-center, randomized, double-blind study, promoted by Nantes University Hospital, aims to assess the efficacy of Nalmefene versus placebo in addition to usual treatment on the severity and intensity of craving in three behavioral addictions (gambling, sexual addiction and food addiction). I am involved in recruitment for the department's various research projects.



Anais Lang, MD

I am a hospital practitioner at Strasbourg University Hospitals. I work in partnership with the SELVHA (Service Expert de Lutte contre les Hépatites Virales d'Alsace) and am therefore interested in the effects of addictology follow-up on subjects with liver disorders. More specifically, I am taking part in a PHRC research project at Strasbourg University Hospitals, coordinated by Hélène Donnadieu from Montpellier University Hospital. The main objective is to evaluate the efficacy of an addictology intervention in patients transplanted for alcohol-related liver disease, on the risk of resuming alcohol consumption in the two years following liver transplantation. I am involved in recruitment for the department's various research projects.


Amaury Durpoix, ACS-HUC

I am an assistant clinical supervisor at Strasbourg University Hospitals, working in the addictology department headed by Laurence Lalanne. I have completed a Master 2 in epistemology and am interested in the effects of psychotherapies on emotional regulation disorders in addictive disorders. With Laurence Lalanne, I recently published an article proposing that psychotherapy provision be graded according to the severity of psychiatric comorbidities linked to opiate addictive disorder. I am also involved in recruitment for the department's various research projects. 



Alba Caparros-Roissard, PhD candidate

I am working on a joint thesis with PE Lutz (INCI) and Laurence Lalanne. Within the Addictions team, I am working on the EBIOMOUD and BEBOP projects (coordinator Laurence Lalanne), both of which focus on epigenetic markers of opioid addiction in relation to psychosocial factors. I am particularly involved in epigenetic analyses.